Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Macho House Sparrow

The signs of summer come in many forms.

Early Dawn
"Good morning, everyone.  I am a very early bird."

Raspberry is ripening now.  It makes a scrumptious jam.

Veggie plants
These are tomato flowers.  By the end of August I may begin harvesting early tomatoes.

A bird nest
I bought a new bird nest box at a Saturday Market.  It's made of recycled wood. 

At the time of purchase, I wanted to buy one with a small hole for a wren or a chickadee.  What the bird box maker told me was rather surprising.  In the past, he had made small holed boxes, but House Sparrows always pecked to make the hole bigger to hop right in.  What a strong beak they have!!!  So he suggested to place an aluminum plate with a smaller hole to keep the hole as is.

House Sparrow, Girl:  "I still like your old nest box.  With the new one, I just can't fit in."

House Sparrow, Boy:  "I just caught a dragonfly.  See, how swift I am.  With the new nest box, you may hear the sound of my work.  I am a strong Macho bird."

Backyard Owner:  "It's made of metal!  Just don't hurt yourself."

I hope your summer is progressing nice and warm.   Ours is a mixture of sun and rain showers.

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