Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Bold One

Lately I've been busy digging out white potatoes, picking skinny Japanese cucumbers, and eating the first mini tomatoes.  The first Edamame I planted was delicious.  More tomatoes are to be ripen, and so with bush green beans.   The little red, pink and blue flowers keep on blooming all summer long, so hummingbirds are busy visiting my garden, too.

Here is a Rufous Hummingbird, cute, swift, and bold.

"I'm just cautious, but once in a while I let 
the camera woman come close."

"I'm busy defending my territory, 
scaring away anyone who comes nearby (wren)."

"I'm pestering the little black and white noisy bird."

"Don't bother me.  I'm only interested 
in the blueberries, not you."

Saturday, July 26, 2014

On a Rainy Day

For the last few days it's been rainy, cooling down the temperature.  It's a good news since the forest fires have been going on in the Eastern Oregon.

When it rains, birds like to find food close to their home instead of travelling some distance.  So there were many visitors on a heavy rain day.  One of the visitors was a Black-headed Grosbeak for the first time this summer.

I first spotted at a feeder underneath the wisteria tree.

"I came at this feeder last year when I was just a 
few months old.  I can get along with other birdies."

Later he was at another familiar feeder on the patio.

"You may not be able to see my eyes, 
but I have big dark ones on my black head."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quick Growing Up

It's been hot.  I noticed even honey bees often come over to the bird bath for a quick drink.  

                                          Left one:    "It's your turn, honey."
                                          Right one:  "On a hot day like this, I have 
                                                           to drink a lot to avoid dehydration."

I saw a young Goldfinch together with her mom, but she does not feed the young any longer

               Mom:  "I am not mean, but want to be just right.  
                        Any young one has to grow up quickly in the nature."
  Infant;  "OK.  I'll do just as you told me."

"See, I can be independent."

Sunday, July 20, 2014

In the Woods

Today we returned to a coastal forest after almost a year, hoping to see some summer birds before their returning to the south.

When we arrived in the woods around 9:00 am, we were surprised to find the chilly woods with the cloudy sky.   Later it warmed up and I saw some birds flying around the trees.

There I encountered with a couple of new summer birds.  One was flipping swiftly around the branches of a tall conifer tree trying to find bugs between the needles.

"Hi, I am a male Hermit Warbler, a summer bird in Oregon.  
I have black chin and throat with white underparts with 
limited flank streaks."

Jumping between the deciduous tree leaves to find bugs was a Black-throated Gray Warbler.

"Hello, I am a female Black-throated Gray Warbler with black and 
white head, gray back, white underparts, and a small yellow 
spot between eye and bill.  I, too, visits Oregon for summer."

"Now you can see my bright yellow spot
in the sun.  Just don't stare at me."

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Tiny Mom

Last year I tried to grow a dill but to no avail.  So, this year I bought a larger starter plant which grew well.

Now I have used it a few times to sprinkle on potato salads or to dry for winter use.

The other morning I found a young bird begging for food.

A young one:  "Mom, I need more food."
A tiny Mom:  "You are old enough to find your own food."

This mom is less than half the size of the kid!  The real mom, Brown-headed Cowbird, lays eggs in someone else' nests and forfeits the duty of raising her own young.  So, whoever gets the egg ends up raising the young.  In this case an Oregon Junco did.

From this day on, without any help the Cowbird finds food by herself in my garden.

"I like your garden 'cause I can find lots of seeds."

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Waiting for Mom

The summer temperature is here to stay for a while.  Hot, but not humid in the Northwest.  Every year I plant sunflowers for birds to eat the seeds in the fall.  The first one just began to bloom.

One sunny morning I saw one Red-breasted Nuthatch.

"Do I look grown up now?"  

"Not really yet.  I still like to be fed by my Mom." 

"Thanks a million, Mom."

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Safe Traffic

When House Sparrows were using the nest boxes on the patio, the bird traffic was at max.  Now that the babies left the nests and subsequently the nest boxes were removed, the quietness returned to the patio.

Anna's Hummingbirds think it is now safe to fly in to drink the flower nectar next to the patio.

"I like the quiet patio to enjoy the nectar."

"This bright red is Crocosmia.  I just beeline to these flowers."

Here is another wild thing who is enjoying the calmness in the air.

"Nice and comfy in the morning sun. "

Monday, July 7, 2014

Real Summer

After the 4th of July (Independence Day), the real summer arrives in Oregon.  The cabbage butterfly is sucking the nectar from the blue sage.

The honey bees are loving it, too.

Who else can enjoy most the blueberries but the American Robin?

"I have to taste every time I fly
 around here.  A big gulp.  DELICIOUS!"

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Big White

The day when we returned to Oregon, we made a stop at a picnic/boat launching area on the Columbia River.  We had a quick lunch and I looked around for birds in flight.  Then there came a big white bird flying toward me without fear.

Who is that?

"I am an American White Pelican.  In summer, we visit
 northern states, while in winter I stay in California, Texas, and/or Mexico."

"We are different from other pelicans who dive for food;
 instead, we dip our bills into the water while swimming."

As we sped home, we saw a beautiful Mt. Hood.  Nice to be back.