Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fall Rain

 Several days ago we had some measurable rain.   The ground was wet and so with the flowers.

More birds have returned to my backyard.

Oregon Juncos stay here most of the year and like the cold weather.   Only during the very hot months, they will retreat to the woods.  Now that the temperature has cooled, a several of them returned.

Oregon Junco, male:  "I like the fall weather.  It gets 
hot but it will be cold during the night."

Oregon Junco, female:  "I like the cool weather.  We are back."

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Backyard Friends

 I planted sunflowers late, so finally mine are in bloom.  Squirrels and birds have been waiting for the sunflower seeds.

The bushtits are back in a flock.  

"We are back to a backyard."

The Black-capped Chickadees are also back.

"Yeah, everyone is coming back here for winter."

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Wetland Living #2

More animals at the wetland: 

"I am a wild rabbit."

That day these branches were filled with female Redwing Blackbirds.  

"It's crowded here this morning.  Just sunbathing and cleaning."

The best of the show was Northern Harrier.   I saw it for the first time here.

"Watch my facial marking.  I am a Northern Harrier."

"I am off to the breakfast hunting.  Ta, ta..."

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Wetland Living

 At the wetland nearby, we see other animals together with birds.

"I am not a Grey Squirrel.  I am California Ground Squirrel living in Oregon."

"Who am I?  I am a Long-tailed Weasel.  I like to run and jump around."

Behind the trail, I saw an area where Great Egrets gather for a breakfast.  First I saw a dozen, and then more started to come in to say "Hi" to others.

"How are you doing?  A tasty fish there?"