Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Resolution #1:  Increase the use of public transportation.

Public transportation has many good causes such as saving energy, reducing pollution,  etc.  Last year once a week, I rode on a lightrail train instead of driving myself.  This year, I would increase the use so that I can at the same time increase the walking time (20 minutes home after getting off the train).

Resolution #2:  Keep up with the gym exercises 2 -3 times a week.

Resolution #3:  A retired person's must:  Enjoy each day as best as possible.  Keeping up with bird watching and photographing is enjoyable, while keeping up with another foreign language (Chinese) challenging.

The other day a young Cooper's hawk landed on my fence in the rain.  He is keeping up with hunting, although I have never seen him catching any in my backyard so far.  His New Year's Resolution will be to improve his skills of hunting.
"OK.  Wish me luck."

"By next year, I promise to be a super hunter."


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