Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunny and Warm Day

Yesterday was sunny and warm.  People were walking in the neighborhood here and there.  Let's see how birdies thought about it.

At the dawn, a crow was announcing a beautiful day.

Pretty soon, a Bewick's wren began to sing a song.   It was my first time to hear him.  How pretty he can sing!

Later, someone came to the suet.   Someone with a LONG beak....

Pick-a-boo ....

You guessed it.  It was a Northern Flicker (female).  They have been around many times.

"Yeah, That's me.  Early morning, I have to make lots of squawking noise to make sure everyone is out of my way."

Someone with a SHORT beak and dark feathers.  Who could it be?

"It's me. Remember my name?"

"I am Ms. Junco. I am one of the resident birds here." 

"We are two brothers and one sister.  Who could we be?"

"We are Lesser Goldfinches.  I just saw a white thistle seed bag hanging out on a  wisteria branch.  I like it, 'cause it is soft and easy-to-hang onto."

Well, everyone surely enjoyed yesterday's warm weather.

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