Monday, February 3, 2014

Nature's Rule

A cold-blooded murderer!  I thought when I witnessed early this morning, but it is only a Nature's rule.

Around 7:40 AM in the Pacific Time (still somewhat dark) it happened.  One bird was drinking at the bird bath by itself.  No one else was around.  Too early in the morning.  Near freezing, the bath water was mostly frozen but a little bit around the corner,  where the bird was drinking for an unusually long time.  It must have been very thirsty or somewhat ill.  I started worrying about a possibility of a predator.  But bushes and hedges are nearby for safety....

At that very moment, out of the left corner of my vision, a meter above the ground, a hawk dashed straight into the bird, nailed it, and flew off in no more than a second!!!  The remaining was a couple of blood stains on the edge of the bath, nothing else.  Wham.....

Victim:  a House Finch, male and probably old

"I am not the victim.  But I will keep it in mind to 
stay alert and do not stay at the bath too long."

Predator:  Cooper's Hawk

"I need to eat, you know.  I do not waste my food 
and appreciate food every bit of it."

Witness:  Backyard Owner

"Yes, I understand.  Nature has to be kept in balance,
 including the population of all the living things."

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