Saturday, December 24, 2011

Townsend's Warbler

Tonight is the most important time of the whole year.  Keep up with your good behavior so that Santa arrives with what you want.

For me personally, yesterday was a very joyous day because a Townsend's Warbler returned to my backyard for the 2nd season.   It visits here once in a while during the winter months.  It has a striking appearance with the contrasting colors of yellow and black.   Doesn't its face look like a Beijing Opera mask? 

A mature male has black on its throat and upper chest, while a female and a juvenile have yellow on its throat.

To tell the truth, it had arrived here a few weeks earlier. But aha.....the suet was just emptied by starlings. Being disappointed to see no suet, it took off right away to MY disappointment.  So when I saw the bird again yesterday eating the suet and hanging around, I was truthfully delighted. 

"Your suet is scrumptious! I will be back."

"Merry Christmas, everyone!"