Monday, December 26, 2011


Yesterday was quiet around here. We stayed home, cooked Christmas dinner with turkey and its trimmings, and visited with our family members.

Out in my backyard, birdies were as usual stopping by.  I gave them Christmas treats, their favorite "peanut delight" suet.  Then I just eavesdropped on what bushtits were saying.

B1:  "Hey, it is so quiet today.  What's going on with people?"

B2:  "Yeah, it's so eerie.  What are they scheming this time?"

B3:  "No worry, you guys.  It is Christmas.  That is why they are staying home and enjoying their company." 

B4:  "People are so happy with the gifts from Santa that they promise to themselves to be a kind, helpful and happy person for the coming year." 

Bushtits come here all year around.  In spring and summer, they can be 2-3 together.  In fall and winter when the weather changes to cold, they form a big flock of 15-20.  

A male has black eyes, a female has yellow eyes, and a juvenile has dark brown eyes.