Saturday, January 7, 2012

Red-breasted Nuthatch

When I hear a high-pitched, nasal sound like a toy tin horn, I know who is coming:  a little bird with a unique look called "Red-breasted Nuthatch"

Its characteristic is to walk downward, which all the other birds can't do.

 See.  No matter where it is, it can walk downward without any effort.

Some say you can tame a curious bird such as nuthatch or chickadee easily.  One time when I was out in my backyard, a young nuthatch saw me peeking through a camera lens.  I got a bit closer, and the nuthatch even came closer hopping to me!!!

Here it is.  A very close look of a curious young bird
(too close for a telephoto lens)

 A male has a black cap, while a female and a juvenile have a duller cap and paler underparts.

It likes to eat sunflower seeds.

On a snowy day, it comes here to find its favorite suet.