Thursday, January 5, 2012

House Sparrow

Last spring I set up a bird nest box and soon someone was carrying in some nest material.

In the early summer,  I found house sparrows were using the new box.  Later, a young one was peeking out waiting for a parent to return.

Babies soon learned to fly and then out into my backyard.

See, even outside of the nest, it still liked to get fed for a while.  But pretty soon it learned to get food on its own and become independent.

"Now I can fly over a tall pine tree, Ya ho!"

"I can have a drink whenever I get thirsty!"

"I am enjoying a stroll among dandelions to find a bug."

My mother used to tell me, "Many years ago, I used to get up with a sparrow's chirping in the morning without an alarm clock."   Well, although I no longer have to get up early to get to work,  House Sparrows still wake me up early in the morning.

P.S. I checked the bird box at the end of summer to see how it looked like inside. 

Aha, it is stuffed with everything!!  Hundreds of trips to make that comfortable bed.  A lot of work required to make a nest.