Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Accident 101: Chestnut-backed Chickadee's case

Today's weather forecast kept warning about the possible freezing rain.  So I stayed home and watched birds.

Have you seen this cute little Chestnut-backed Chickadee? 

Different from Black-capped Chickadee, this one is smaller and has the chestnut colored back.  Their call is a rapid tseek-a-dee-dee, which is faster than the Black-capped one.  In winter they often fly in together with a flock of Bushtits. 

As I was bird watching today, one came to my patio, hanging to the hummer's feeder, etc.  And then there was an accident of hitting the patio glass door and plunging down to the cold cement floor.  Since I saw it, I was out immediately for a rescue.  I lifted the bird from the freezingly cold cement with a piece of newspaper so as my hand oil would not touch it.  I kept it in my emergency cage for it to recover if possible.  Luckily in a few minutes it started flying inside the cage, ready to go home.
A happy ending.

"Thank you for taking care of me.  I'll be careful now."

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