Thursday, June 28, 2012

Super Special Photo - American Robin Babies

American Robins can be found all over Oregon.  Early in the morning,  I can hear one or two already singing away. 

Both female and male Robins together build a nest.  Their eggs are blue without markings.  A female takes 12-14 days to incubate.  Once they hatch, both female and male feed youngs for 14-16 days till fledging.

I had a very special opportunity to see the Robin's babies in the nest, still sleeping away most of the time, and once in a while being fed by their mother.  It was at my neighbor's garden where there is a fish pond, trees, flowers, etc.  This month they found a Robin's nest right next to the house, just covered by the wisteria branches and leaves.

Two Robin babies waiting for mommy to return with food.

Most of the time, they are dozing off.  They may be less than a week old ?

They are so precious.

So when I see a young one or two in a couple of weeks, I know where it came from.

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