Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pine Siskin and Eurasian Siskin(?)

Another typical day in Oregon:  rain....

Despite the rain, regular bird members in my backyard come and visit.  More birds have tried the birdbath for a drink; no need to take a bath yet since rain will make them wet and clean most of the times.

A Pine Siskin was just taking off after having a drink.  Notice a very pointed beak in comparison with other finches such as House Finch, American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches, etc.

Another clear portrait of a Pine Siskin (a pointed beak).  How good-looking it is.

Today I made a bit of an interesting discovery.  I am not sure what bird it is:

The one on the left is neither a Pine Siskin (not yellow) nor American Goldfinch (not a pointed beak).  So is it Eurasian Siskin, a rare bird around here?  If anyone knows, let me know. 

Once in a while I can still add up a new bird visitor even in this small backyard.


  1. My thought is the bright yellow one on the left is a Lesser Goldfinch. Have seen them in my yard in Lake Oswego, eating the seeds from my Forget-me-nots :-) Good luck with your bird watching!

    1. I agree with you. When I was writing, I forgot about Lesser Goldfinch. Thank you for your input.
