Monday, November 21, 2011

Purple Finch

A Purple Finch comes to my backyard once in a while.  Last year I noticed in the fall and again this year.  Looking similar to the House Finch, a regular resident of the backyard, I often notice the differences on a computer screen.

#1 Difference:  eyebrow (more showing in a male)

Next day, Mr. Purple Finch showed up at the same place.  His wife might have told him to check on this new feeder.

#2 Difference:  male color is deep pink (not pink or orange of House Finch)

On a sunny day after a week of rain, it decided to explore on the ground a little bit just like the other birds were doing.

 And onto the fence where it was warm and comfy, it stayed there for a while before flying away.

Come back soon.