Sunday, March 2, 2025

Global Warming

 This winter is warm and short.  We had only one snowfall, which melted away quickly.

"It is getting warm here. " πŸŒ·πŸŒΈπŸ˜„

 "I can eat bugs in the air.  I do not eat the suet on a nice day."πŸͺ°πŸ›

"I always like to eat the suet all the year around."😁☮️

Monday, February 24, 2025

In the Beginning of Spring

 Lately I had not seen a Red-tailed Hawk.  But today was different.

"I just came back to the wetland now that spring is coming."πŸ˜„

Bufflehead, male(Right):  "I am here during the cold months."πŸ¦†πŸͺΏπŸ‘
Greater Scaup, female: "I just arrived here."

Green-winged Teal:  "We have been here for a while."😊

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Snow Day

Last two days we had snow and ice.  Many offices were closed and I had to cancel my medical appointment.  The bird bath had 1 inch of snow in the backyard.

Birds are busy trying to find something to eat when snowing.

Yellow-rumped Warbler:  "I am hungry."

Ruby-crowned Kinglet:  "I waited for snow to stop."

Anna's Hummingbird:  "I am avoiding  the wind."  

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Busy Backyard Friends

 My backyard is still busy.

"I live here.  I love the cold weather." Oregon JuncoπŸ˜‰

"I come here everyday, too." Black-capped Chickadee😁

"This winter has been warm, so I am still here.  
On a nice day, I can take a bath." Golden-crowned SparrowπŸ‘

Sunday, February 2, 2025

One Sunny Day

Even on a cold day, some little birds are around at the wetland.

Anna's Hummingbird, male:  "Yes.  I am one of the tough little birds."πŸ‘


Ruby-crowned Kinglet:  "Me, too."😎

Red-tailed Hawk:  "I am big and tough!"πŸŒžπŸ¦…

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Cold, but Bright Day

 Jan 29 is Chinese New Year.  This year is the year of Snake🐍.  Do you know which zodiac you belong?

One day at the nearby wetland, many Red-wing Blackbirds flew into a bare tree as I walked along the trail.  A tree of birds on a sunny day.

"We like to fly around in a flock."😎

"Not me,  I wait for a fish, standing alone quietly."πŸ‘

"We stay at the far end of a pond away from the wind."🦒🦒🦒

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Suet Cake

 A Ruby-crowned Kinglet visits my backyard everyday in winter.


"I see my favorite food."

"Squirrels eat the suet all the time, but they drop 
 little crumbs everywhere."

"Now, I finally can eat from the feeder."

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 The bright sunrise in winter

Anna's Hummingbird likes to perch in the bush.

"I need to hide in the bush."

"I am hungry for suet this bright morning."

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wet and Dry Weather

 Too much rain over the holidays.

House Finch, female and male: "Can you see the rain falling?"🌧️

Ruby-crowned Kinglet:  "Can you see the rain drops on the branch?"🌦️

Chestnut-backed Chickadee:  "This week will be dry and sunny.  Yeah!"πŸ‘€☀️🌞