Monday, August 26, 2024

Time to Grow Up

At the end of summer, birds have to finish raising their youngs.

House Finch dad is helping out feeding the young.

"I want more."😁

"Today is a flight practice."πŸ‘

"I am already grown up, all by myself now."🀩😊


Monday, August 19, 2024

End of Summer

 Summer is coming to the end soon.  Everyone is getting ready for the new school year.  At the wetland nearby,  all the young birds born this summer has to grow up very fast and, for the summer birds, the time to travel to south will be very soon (maybe in Sept).

"We are Song Sparrow and will be staying here all the year around."

"I am Common Yellowthroat.  I will be travelling to south."

"I am Cedar Waxing.  I do not travel to south, but 
for winter, will move onto the warmer area in or near Oregon."

Monday, August 12, 2024

Summer Food Variety

Summer is fun.

"I can still drink the sweet sugar juice."

"I like these sages with little blossoms."

"I like this large purple sage."

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Summer Friends at the Wetland

Last week the wetland nearby was quiet since many people are on vacation. 

"I can dry up my feather this morning."

"This little pond is now halfway covered with weeds.  Hard to find a fish."

"I was born this summer.  I will have the black cheek when I mature.  
I will travel to south in September."