Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Temperature Changes

My old computer crashed during the ice storm.  So I lost the photo editor and I am learning a new photo editor now.  It takes a while to get used to it.

"The ice is slippery.  I do not like it. ❄️☃️😨"
10 degrees F

"I am glad the ice is gone.  Just rain now.☔"
50 degrees F

"I see no snow from the top of this tall tree.😊😎👀"


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Icy Days

Too much snow and ice came down here.  The ice and freezing rain kept us indoors for 4 days.


                        "It's super cold.  I could not come here when the ice was everywhere."😓

                                                          "I found some seeds here."😍

On top of this storm, my old computer went out together with my photo editor, etc.  These photos above were saved before this happening.  We bought a new PC yesterday, but it takes a while to get used to it.

Wish me luck!💦👍

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Snow Storm

 For last 3 days, the icy storm hit our area.  The temperature on the patio was around 10 degrees F.

On the 2nd day of the storm, it warmed up only  to 20 degrees F during the day.  On the 3rd, we had another 10 degrees F in the morning and later became sunny with 20 degrees F.   It just stayed cold and below freezing all the time.

"This is the first storm this year😁."

"We'd better nibble quickly before another chilly wind blast."

"I am back as usual.  I don't mind the snowy day.😎🤩"

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Two Kinds of Northern Flickers

 Northern Flickers come here often during the cold months.

"I am hungry for the suet.  Did you notice my tail feather is yellow? 😁"

"I have the yellow tails and the red marking on the back of the head😎."

"I am the regular male Northern Flicker with the red tail feathers and the red cheek! 😊😋"

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!

"I hope you did not get drunk😁."

"I don't like a bitter thing.😉"

"We just like to enjoy a party here😍😋."