Saturday, March 27, 2021

Two Big Birds

The wetland has spring blossoms.

Against the blue sky, there came a big bird.  First it looked like a goose, but it turned out to be an Bald Eagle. 

Another big bird was the Great Blue Heron,  perched  like a sentinel on a stump.

"I love the early spring morning.  Warm, and yet, quiet."

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Not House Finch

Have you ever seen a Purple Finch?  They look like House Finch, but they have a prominent eyebrow and the male has deep purple pink.


"I am a female, so I do not have deep pink purple."

"I am a pretty male."

"I came with a friend."

Saturday, March 13, 2021

A Summer Bird Arrival

 Guess what!  

A Rufous Hummingbird arrived here a bit earlier this year on March 6.  I used to see one around March 14 or after.

When I was outside watching birds, something orangish caught my eye.  That was a male Rufous Hummingbird that just landed on the branch.

"Hmmm, I've been here before."

 Then he came down to my sugar water feeder, gulping a lot.

"I am so thirsty travelling a long distance everyday."

"Just stopping over here.  I still have a long way to go north. "

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Spring is Here.

 March has a fluctuation in temperature:  one day it can be very cold and the other day it can be warm.     From my recent trip to the wetland,  I know many waterfowls have already left for the north; the land is waiting for summer birds ' arrival.

Great Blue Heron:  "I am still here."

Cinnamon Teal:  "I am a rare visitor here."

Lesser Scoup:  "I am another rare visitor."

In Oregon more and more people are vaccinated against the Corona virus.  By this summer, we may feel more comfortable being out and doing things as we used to.  But washing hands and wearing masks are a way of life for a while.