Monday, May 25, 2020

Amazing Nature

Last fall, I sprinkled the wild poppy seeds into a pot, they sprouted and survived through the winter months.  Now they have blossoms.   Amazingly tough plants.

So with summer birds.  In summer they migrate to the north and come fall, they are to return to the south, travelling hundreds of miles twice a year.  An awesome thing in nature.

"I am a male Common Yellowthroat.  
I came here from south for the summer months."

"My girl is out there.  Ta, ta, see you later."

Monday, May 18, 2020

Return of Summer Bird

My blueberries were in bloom in early May.  Many birds love to slurp the sweet nectar.  One of the birds is Wilson's Warbler which likes to find bugs around the bushes.

"Hi, I am in the blueberry bush."

"In the rose bushes after the morning rain, where are you (bugs)?"

"I am so fast that you may not notice me 
unless you are a trained bird watcher!"  

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The wetland Scene

At the nearby wetland,  many wild roses are in bloom.

Many summer birds have arrived here by now.

"Hi, I am a Warbling Vireo."

When I stood still, one Winter Wren showed up in front of me, singing loud with all his might.
A wren is a inconspicuous little bird, but his song is so impressive.

"I am busy singing for my mate."

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Many Kinds of Sparrows

There are many kinds of sparrows in a bird book.  Just take a look at it to find how many you know.

Here is a summer bird named "Chipping Sparrow".  I have seen one many years ago, but finally this year one  returned to my backyard, just for several seconds.  

"I am new here."

Here is a Golden-crowned Sparrow.  They come in a flock in spring and autumn.  For a month or two, they hang around here.

"Hi, I am still staying here with my family.  
When the weather gets hot, we will go into the woods."

Here are a couple of White-crowned Sparrows.

"We may stay here longer until our little ones get out of the nest."