Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Snowy Day Visitor

It snowed on the Christmas Eve and stayed cold for a week. Some snow stayed for a while due to the low temperature.

A Varied Thrush arrived here the other day, a sign of the real cold weather.  It was pecking on the ground looking for food under the fruit trees in the backyard.

"I always stop over here when the weather gets very cold with snow."

" I am full.  It's time to go back."

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Naughty Ones

In my neighborhood, some people have chickens running around in their backyard.  No roosters are allowed within the city limits here.   One day our neighbor's chicken escaped, first jumping onto the top of the fence, walking on the top of the fence and then landing onto my backyard. 

First there was one chicken under my old fruit trees.

"I can smell the bird seeds here."

Then, two chickens got together.

"A good place to look for food."

Finally three chickens altogether landed here.

"A new playground for us."

Later, we had to ask the neighbor to pick up his naughty chickens.

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Little Bird

I've been waiting for the Winter Solstice on December 21, when the day begins to be longer and lighter. 

During the winter months, one of the smallest birds, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet,  stops by.

"I am showing my crown a little today."

"I've never been close to the bird bath before."

"I always like to nibble the suet here."

Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunny and Cold

A clear sky for a week  means to be very cold,  around 17 degrees F (15 degrees below the freezing).  But something good happens on a nice day:    

1)  A beautiful sunrise

2)  Cooper's Hawk perched at a nearby maple tree branch for a good snapshot.

3)  A Bushtit came and said hello.

"Hi, I like your suet."

Monday, December 4, 2017

No Much Food Around

In the low winter temperature in the Northwest, most of the wild food is gone.  So the wildlife need to eat even sour berries in my backyard.

Anna's Hummingbird, female:  "I know this is not sweet, but I can find a bug around here."

Spotted Towhee, male:  "These are still berries, but sour berries."

Gray Squirrel:  "These are called Beauty Berries.  I will try them, too."

Monday, November 27, 2017

Cold Outside

Last colorful leaves (Japanese maple)

Lesser Goldfinches stopped over after a long absence.

Lesser Goldfinch, male:  "Nice to be back here."

Lesser Goldfinch, female:  "I agree."

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Looking Like Cotton Balls

Bushtits fly around in a flock of a dozen or so in winter.  They stop over to eat the suet in my backyard.

After that, they will inspect the leaves nearby for a bug.

"I may still find a bug or so before
freezing.  An important protein source."

Then all of them jump into the cold bird bath to clean off the dust and dirt.

"The frequent cleaning is necessary to fly fast and light."

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Winter Scene

Trees are bare.  

Despite of the harsh climate, Anna Hummingbirds still visit here every day.  A tough bird for the cold temperature.

They have down feathers to stay warm.

"Can you see my down feathers?"

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Noisy Visitor

The autumn days are over.  Yesterday was cold all day with the chilly air.  According to the Chinese lunar calendar, today is 立冬, meaning the winter arrival.  No wonder it was getting cold.

Stellar's Jay came a few times this season, making a lot of noise; his squawking is different from the Scrub-Jay's.

"The fall is over; now winter is coming!"

"Look at my pretty feathers, together with my fancy head crest."

"Wow, someone is staring at me!"

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Autumn Scene

Last weekend we enjoyed the warm autumn day.  The leaves are golden against the blue sky.

At a wetland,  many Canada Geese were around: some flying around and others still sleeping.

A large flock of Common Mergansers (ducks) were swimming across the reservoir diving for fish.

"Ready to catch one!"

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Rare Visitor #3

Before the stormy weather last weekend, I found a Purple Finch visiting my backyard.  It is difficult to tell one from a House Finch.  Only when I enlarge the picture, I could tell the difference:  Purple Finch has the deep pink color and the white eyebrow.

"I stopped over to quench the thirst on a nice day."

"I look like a House Finch, but my color is deep pink."

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Rare Visitor #2

The blueberry leaves are getting red.

Under the old fruit trees, I discovered another rare visitor: Fox Sparrow

"I like to be hidden.  I need to kick the ground to find some bugs."

"A  Towhee was bullying me because he, a resident,
also kicks the ground to find food."

Thursday, October 12, 2017

An Rare Visitor

The autumn colors are showing up in the backyard.  

Japanese Maple

Once or twice a year I see a Stellar's Jay in my backyard.  My area is a Scrub-Jay territory, so Stellar's Jay, an invader,  is super vigilant.

"I have to be careful in the new place."

"Together with other birds, I am gabbling up the seeds."

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Winter Birds

When the temperature goes down, so with the winter birds coming down here in the backyard.

"I'm the first returnee.  I can find plenty of seeds in the cold weather."

Here is a Chestnut-backed Chickadee, a little smaller than the other chickadee.

"The woods are already cold and have no food to be found."

Another winter bird:

"I'm Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  I just stopped over here
this fall and may come back later in winter."

Friday, September 29, 2017

A Beautiful Fall Day before Rain Arrives

We visited the nearby wetland  one more time before the rainy season arrived the next day.  Thousands of Canada Geese flew in, crisscrossing in the sky, and landed on a small pond.  In no time,  the pond was overcrowded.

Some started walking on the shore with their young ones in tow.

"We have a little one for this fall migration to
south.  We have to make more rest stops."

As I walked along a larger pond, I heard a high-pitched chattering noise, a sign of a Belted Kingfisher.

"The geese are making noise all over.  Now it's my turn."

Sunday, September 24, 2017

An Autumn Day

This weekend an air show was going on against the blue sky.

Such a nice autumn day.   Many birds enjoyed the bird bath!

Spotted Towhee, female:  "I like to walk in the cold water."

Spotted Towhee, female:   "I am soaking now.  Feeling good."
Golden-crowned Sparrow:  " I just returned from the woods."

Monday, September 18, 2017

Summer Bird Still Around

Last week, we walked around the wetland.  The flowers are mostly done.

 I saw a little bird wiggling in the bush, which turned out to be a female Common Yellowthroat just like last year.  They like to nest and feed in the bushes near water.

"We are still here and getting ready for south 
soon.  I need to fatten up for the long trip."

After several days, I stopped over again to see if they were still around.  To my delight, I now saw a young male Common Yellowthroat.

"I am immature.  So I do not have the striking black mask yet."