Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Summer is Almost Here.

The other day I saw an Evening Grosbeak perched and swaying with the wind at the top of a neighbor's gigantic evergreen tree.  Since then, I've been hearing their familiar chirping sound on and off.

So it was nothing strange that one of them just plopped up on a branch just in front me.

Mrs. Evening Grosbeak: "Hi, I remember this backyard.  Plenty of food is here."

Mr. Evening Grosbeak: "I like this feeder next to the tree where I can flee 
right away in case of an imminent danger."

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bird Baths Out for Summer

In the sunny spot, tulips are already in bloom.  

A couple of Spotted Towhees live near here.  Everyday they come to my backyard to feed.  Now that the temperature has warmed up, I brought out a few more bird baths for them.

Mrs. Towhee: "Yeah, my favorite bird bath is out for summer."

Mr. Towhee: "I still like this old bath."

Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Summer Bird

Steadily the temperature is warming up.  The hanging cherry blossoms are in bloom.  My favorite spring flower.

A summer bird has returned.  I first spotted it one week earlier than usual on 3/6.  Later he came a couple times to finally let me take photos.

"Ready for your snap shot.  A handsome look, please."

"A sweet juice; it's worth coming back!"

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Aggressive Visitor

This morning the summer time began.  One hour hopped forward.  Now the magnolia tree is in full bloom.

During the short rain break, I saw a visitor.

"Do you remember me?  I have triangular spots on front.  I am not a house sparrow."

"I can chase out a house sparrow."

"I am a Fox Sparrow."

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pear Blossoms

The old pear tree now has blossoms.  Around this time, the weather is unstable and often gets stormy to beat up those pretty flowers.  Today was such a day.

I see House Finches munching the blossoms.

"The pear blossoms have a sweet taste for spring."

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Caution is Everything.

A Varied Thrush stops over once in a while during the cold months.  She likes to dig in for worms behind camellia bush.

"I need to hide just in case some predator is watching.  I am as big as an American Robin, but have the different pattern like this.  My calling is similar to the Robin's with a slightly modified tone."

"Under the pear tree, I am still hiding."