Lately when the sun comes out, I am on the patio sitting on a small gardening box with a camera, leaning onto the house where it is still shaded (in a sense, I am half-hidden).
Suddenly I heard the house sparrow's high-pitched, continuous chi-chi-chi-chi,-chi....... I looked in the direction where the warning came. There I found a young Cooper's Hawk just landed on top of the fence next to the blueberry bush, scanning the surrounding area.
Wow....I began to shoot photos, hoping the hawk does not see me.....
"I am starved."
Right then one of the neighbors started making noise in their backyard and scared off the hawk to somewhere else. Surprisingly after a few minutes, it returned and even landed on the bird bath which I had never seen one there before.
"I just need to have a tasty bite right at this moment."
And then it came down onto the ground to thoroughly check it out for any victim. But to my relief, every little bird was wiser and did not make even a wee little tweet.
"Being young, I didn't have much of luck today.
Ta, ta, I am off to a better hunting ground."